Blog Posts » A too honest post? Loss

A too honest post? Loss

Okay so life hasn’t been great this year, my Aunt died at the beginning of the year from NMD after only being diagnosed last October, we did all we could and she died with her two loving sisters beside her, but still it was hard to see her decline and end up not being able to even communicate.  There are also echoes of my own condition, I watched my own progression and my end through her and it is scary, I also realised there’s no one in my life that would ease my heart at the end and who could comfort me, I have no sisters and can only imagine that love.

a picture of me and my Aunty Cyndy
Aunty Cyndy and me

More recently my three year old dog Dexter died, he had never been quite normal and that made us love him even more, he loved life and every time he left the house it was like his first walk, he bounced along looking at everything with wonder, he never did understand fetch, he would watch the other dogs and run after them and then run back without a ball and expect praise as the other dogs were getting it, he thought he was doing what we wanted and looked so proud.

Dexter for one of the only times actually fetching
Dexter for one of the only times actually fetching


We had asked the vet over the years if there was anything wrong and to check him, their answer was always he’s fine and doesn’t need any tests, but he did and there was something wrong, after my Aunt passed away he became quiet, the constant waggy tail was gone, he wanted to be cuddled constantly and wouldn’t settle, we thought maybe he was depressed and took him to the vets, they couldn’t see anything wrong but became slightly concerned, they gave him antibiotics.  After a while when things didn’t improve they finally did some proper tests, it turns out he hadn’t developed properly in the womb and had a liver shunt, they suggested a change of diet as the operation would be very risky, he seemed to perk up a bit, his tail wagged and he started being normal again and trying to wash and cuddle me, it was goodbye.

Dexter kisses
Dexter kisses


One night I heard squeals, he had started fitting, it didn’t stop, Mum rushed him to the emergency vet, the only way they could stop it was by putting him under anaesthetic, it turns out his new diet had poisoned him, they could operate but we knew the damage was done, all that fitting would have caused brain damage, he was weak and I really don’t think he’d survive an operation, we made that decision, we put him to sleep.

Dexter sleepy time
Dexter sleepy time


Mum brought his body home and cried and cuddled him most of the day, she asked me but I wasn’t strong enough and couldn’t show how much I hurt, I will always feel guilty, I should have known when he was whining all week, he never usually complained, but he looked better and was even playing with Kara (his Mum) on that last day, it was beautiful and my heart was high, should I have let him have surgery?  Would he still be here now insisted of buried with our other pets?

And today a friend visited with her three year old,  she said “Isla asked about Dexter on the way here, she asked if he’d be here, I told her no he was dead, she said “But maybe he’ll come back”” she then explained to her daughter that he wouldn’t wake up from this sleep and wouldn’t be back, I held back tears which freely flow now as I write this.

I can barely even see my monitor now through the tears, there’s so much in my life that hurts right now, so I tell myself the usual “I’ll be alright, I always am”, I hope it’s true, goodbye Dexter, I’m sorry.

Cuddles with Dexter
Cuddles with Dexter
At Cotswold Wildlife Cuddling Mum
At Cotswold Wildlife Cuddling Mum
Dexter at Longleat with Mya, Peppa and Kara
Dexter at Longleat with Mya, Peppa and Kara
more cuddles with Dexter
more cuddles with Dexter
Christmas pose
Christmas pose
A walk with Dexter and Kara
A walk with Dexter and Kara
Dexter in his Raincoat
Dexter in his Raincoat
Dexter, Kara and Mya
Dexter, Kara and Mya
Kara with Dexter inside
Kara with Dexter inside
Dexter having fun and making friends at he Butterfly Garden
Dexter having fun and making friends at he Butterfly Garden
Dexter's first and only swim at Cotswold water park
Dexter’s first and only swim at Cotswold water park
One of Dexter's strange sleeping positions
One of Dexter’s strange sleeping positions
One of Dexter's favourite places to sleep, outside the bathroom door
One of Dexter’s favourite places to sleep, outside the bathroom door
Another favourite place, on top of a pile of toys
Another favourite place, on top of a pile of toys
Dexter just born with his siblings
Dexter just born with his siblings
Dexter walking with my Aunt up Crickley hill
Dexter walking with my Aunt up Crickley hill
Dexter and his ball
Dexter and his ball
Dexter, Chris and Mum at the Butterfly garden
Dexter, Chris and Mum at the Butterfly garden
Having some fuss while I sunbathe
Having some fuss while I sunbathe
Me and Dexter
Me and Dexter
Dexter Hitching a ride at Staverton airport
Dexter Hitching a ride at Staverton airport
Me, Dexter and Peppa at Benhall park
Me, Dexter and Peppa at Benhall park
A posing trio
A posing trio



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  1. Odette Lattimer

    It’s 02:39am and I am awake and have cried my heart out reading this for several reasons; as you know I asked the same questions when we had to let Jasper go virtually a year ago now and still ask them now, losing Maca recently was not as clean cut so the pain of this is still too raw and often when I am awake like I am now I search my mind for signs or hints of more than her common Labrador ailments. I am also crying because I know you have let go and let all this pain out and I know that isn’t easy for you my twin. Hopefully the best part of 2015 will be us meeting and having a hug. Roll on 2016 for a New Year for us both. I am here for you at anytime day or night, always have been and always will be. Love Ode xxx

  2. bullsworld2007

    Thank you Odette, it means a lot and I know how much you have been through and that you understand, we will meet soon and have that hug 🙂 xxx

  3. Dexter was a son to you. I am so sorry he has gone. There has been so much deep loss for you in the past year. I think about Dexter all the time at the moment, and how you are doing. I want to be there for you like I have been over the past few years. And I’m sorry.

  4. downssideup

    Tears too as I read this post Daniel. I am so sorry.

  5. […] of care staff, being treated badly by people I thought were friends or at least cared about me, loss and things generally going badly in 2015.  I made a decision to take control of things, sort out […]

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