Daniel Baker was born in Hastings East Sussex in the United Kingdom on the 18th of October 1974 and has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. I went to school at St.Pauls CofE primary school and then The Grove Secondary school followed by a few years at Cheltenham Bourneside School and Sixth Form centre.
When I finished school I continued my education at Oxford Brookes University and earned a BSc(Hons) in Applied Physics. While at university I worked on a project with Dr. Nick Gazey of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory entitled “The Northern lights as monitors of magnetic sub storm dynamics”. After leaving University and confronting some of my health problems I found out about NASA World Wind, an Open Source Virtual Globe. I became a moderator on the NASA World Wind Forums, helped maintain World Wind Centrals hotspots site and knowledge base, made small contributions to the code, did alpha and beta testing and made Add-ons for the program. Eventually I became the Open Source Project Manager, liaising with NASA, developers and companies like Microsoft. I became a director of the Free Earth Foundation while working with NASA and we still host the World Wind Forum on behalf of NASA.
I have made several computer generated video clips for documentaries, including The History Channel’s “A Global Warning” and “Hooked on the Fly”, appeared in the BBC One/Netflix Drama “Requiem” alongside Brendan Coyle. I’ve been a Trustee for the local charity DROP – Disabled Responsible Organised People and Pathfinders Neuromuscular Alliance. I am still involved with several charities, in both a working and voluntary capacity, also advising various companies on disability related issues. In my spare time I am also a keen amateur photographer and sell some items on my shop.
Blog posts featuring Daniel Baker –
Daniel’s Story – Defying Duchenne
Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Fame
More Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Fame
Life on the slow lane interview
Gloucestershire Live/Echo/Citizen Articles –
Gloucestershire Echo Article on getting a Wheelchair
Article about Early Access to medicine
Gloucester Echo article about Requiem
Another Gloucestershire Live Article
COVID and mental health Article
More Spirit of Christmas Promotion
Article for International Day for People with Disabilities 2023
Other Articles Daniel is featured in –
Sydney Morning Herald – Working the Wiki Way
Oxford Brookes Observer Magazine Article
Action Duchenne article on Wheelchair Services
Barnwood Trust International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Please browse my picture gallery for images of me and my family, and use the links in the footer for my social media accounts, in addition I have a Pinterest account here, a LinkedIn account here and an IMDb profile here.

Feel free to leave a comment below, or just say hi.
That’s all for now… bye!
30 responses
Hi, Daniel. My name is Sam Evans and I work for a company called 30proof. We have been working with Wild Sanctuary, world’s largest privately-held soundscape archive. 30proof has put together the KML layer for GE.
I would like to talk to you about what you’ve done with WW.
Do you have an email address or telephone number? Thanks!
Hi I sent you an email, look forward to hearing from you.
hi bull my old mucka,nice to see u working hard,sorry about your nan;(just thought id drop in and see how u were doing everything seems to b under control 🙂
Hi Wandy, great to see you here, I really must start using my old msn account so I can catch up with you guys.
So sorry to hear about your Nan.
I pray for comforts for you and yours.We’ll talk soon about WW new devs.
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I’m the founder of an exergame platform called Fitclub (see http://www.Pantometrics.com), looking to build metaverses to exer-games and exer-learning in.
I’ve been talking to some people in the WW community, your name came up. Can I get an email ?
A fellow ex-UK resident.
I really like the youtube videos of WorldWind you’ve made. How’d you make them? Any tips you can share?
Hi erudyte, I sent you an email.
Bill, mainly just use http://www.worldwindcentral.com/wiki/Movie_Recorder then load the produced png files into virtualdub, and edit the odd corrupt frame, then export as an uncompressed avi before converting to xvid or mp4, you can even add a wav as an audio track in virtualdub.
A few things I have learned are, use a few small scripts instead of one large script, this gives you better camera control, then join the clips in virtualdub. Make sure you cache the area thoroughly before running movie recorder, sometimes movierecorder stops tiles being downloaded. Use as large a preroll time as possible to avoid terrain ‘popping up’, it can be annoying as the script will take longer to finish, but it is worth it. Finally use a decent graphics card at a high resolution, my ati 1900 xt performs wonderfully for World Wind, a pity Oblivion isn’t so smooth, and remember patience pays off, good luck.
Hi Bull,
I’m in the process of setting up Community Forums at http://www.WLAB.com (the Wind Lab), http://AlgorithmWorks.com and http://LibertyIsGreen.com, among others.
I just discovered Nasa Wind World and you so that makes me a new friend. It appears to me that Wind World might be a great tool for land owners who are interested in showing off how their natural resources fit into the wind and solar corridors of the USA (one of the main objectives of the Wind Lab). If you developed an app suitable for that purpose the world might just beat a path to your door!
You are invited to join any and all of my communities. My visitors would be very interested in your works.
Don’t hesitate to contact me and please let me know if I can be of any assistance.
How are we going to deal with Tim’s Legacy? Is there anything WW community can do for Tim’s family?
Who is talking about this?
Hello bull, omdesign, I guess you’ve heard about Tim’s passing. I’ve known Tim IRL for some years, and if you need, I can pass things on to his family. I’ve spent some months with him at TU/e, and have kept in touch through IM and occasional visits.
He told me about his WW-dev and his being in contact with bull, and I thought it was a good idea to look you up, just in case.We would like to use your World Wind video to demonstrate technology during the opening of new building. Is there a high resolution version available and how can we gain permission to use the video?
Hi Sandy, I have sent you an e-mail, please let me know if you do not receive it.
Hey,Nice to meet you here. I think WW is a very excellent software. But what is next for WW? what is the next version of WW?
Hola como estan, estoy comenzando a conocer WW y es exelente, primero que nada los felicito por crearlo y en segundo nececito modificar el codigo para hacerlo mas rapido, devido a que es muy lento a la hora de cargar servicios WMS a si que porfafor agradeceria que alguien me ayudara con esto porfavor, mi correo es [email protected] asi que cualquier respuesta favor de mandarla.
Hi Bull,
I see your name in a lot of the places I’ve been looking for help, so I thought I might just come right to the source. I’m wondering if you can clear up a couple of things for me? I’m on a new Mac Intel, and am having a terrible time finding a version of WW that will work on it. I downloaded WW2D, which I guess is a Java version that’s supposed to run on Macs, but all I’ve got is a flat picture of the earth, not the globe I’m used to seeing in GE, or on the PC version of WW. And when I zoom in, the photo is nothing but a blur…no resolution at all. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?
Also wanted to ask if there’s an onscreen controller available for WW, as is for GoogleEarth. In GE, it sits in the upper right hand corner, and makes it very easy to navigate around, zoom in, tilt, etc., with precision. I’ve found that just using the mouse is extremely imprecise, and frustrating.I certainly will appreciate any wisdom you can share on the above issues.
RustyHey Bull,
My name is Tan and I like what you have done with WWJ. I am starting out my research in this topic as well. My university department luckily has a Spacenavigator 3D mouse and I was curious to test it out with WorldWind Java so I was wondering if it were possible for you to email me the plugin I saw on your youtube video. I would really appreciate your help.
Tan.I’m a marine biologist doing research in Cay Sal Bank Bahamas and had used ww 1.4 for 2 years…changed computers and reloaded ww 1.4 and lost all detail and resolution that I had before. Cay Sal Bank is east of the Florida Keys and north of Cuba. Can you help …very IMPORTANT to me. Thank you Flynn [email protected]
Tan – The plugin I used was for the .Net version of World Wind, I’m unsure if spacenavigator support was ever added to the Java version.
Flynn – I have sent you an email.
I am working with a group of students at the University of Idaho (USA) and they were building an interactive kiosk for the Basque community in Boise, Idaho. We started to run into multiple issues with GE as far as functionality. One of the students found WW and found you. None of us know much Java. We have a spreadsheet one of the students created that creates KML’s and we weren’t sure if we could contine to use the sheet to build in WW. The boys and I would be very greatful if you might be able to help with this issue. Maybe there is a spreadsheet that will work in WW? A template that we could start using to build out functionality? Again any help would be much appriciated.Jeff
What’s uppractical
Si eres de los que respetan escribeme soy chica y quiero cibersexo mi email anaruiz19e (arrrroba) gmail.com
Hi there,
I’m putting together an Open Source 3d viewer designed to ease the burden of adding 3d vis to existing 2d GIS applications.I may be able to offer you funded NWW-J consultancy related to this venture.
Would you mind making email contact so I can provide you with further details?
We are looking for a developer who can do an integration for us into a platform we have developed. We are currently using GE but would like to use WW. Are you interested in a paying gig or do you know of someone who is?
Jeff MuirHi Jeff,
I don’t really have the skills for this kind of project but I have forwarded your message to some who have, it may also be worth asking in the World Wind Forum if you haven’t.
Good luck,
me again
Your own words are you rant but i think that is healthy. I am a shareholder in a car company and we had an application from a person with a degree. I was heart rendering that they could only move there mouth as they were paralyzed. I have become obsessed with the idea of whatever resource a person has its right to deploy it as effectively as they can. i wish you well and would like to encourage you in everything you do.
kind regards
I really like the youtube videos of WorldWind you’ve made. اربح
Hello Daniel – we stopped you at MCM and I wanted to share your picture and feature on our page.
https://www.facebook.com/CosplaywithoutbiasThank you, made my day having so many people take photos 🙂
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