Blog Posts » Happy Christmas 2014

Happy Christmas 2014

Four dogs sitting on a Christmas blanket

Happy Christmas 2014

A short post just to wish everyone a Happy Christmas, I am not a religious person but agree with the spirit of Christmas, a time of giving, family and love, I hope you all have a great time wherever you are.

A Christmas poem written by my Great Aunt Ivy Willock that I came across while scanning old photos –

This poem was written for our Christmas socia1 club, which at the time was run by Mrs. Drummond. About the year 1975.

Now the leaves are falling fast,
Stripping the trees quite bare,
Pronouncing summer’s long since past,
But Autumn shades repair.
Preceding days of ice and cold,
and nights of gloom end sadness,
remembering as in days of old,
comes a day of joy and gladness.

Children write to Santa Clause
requesting a special gift,
Harassed mums weighed down with chores,
and Dads do an extra shift.
Friends ca11ing for celebration,
Cards come by every post,
from absent ones, a dear relation,
of whom we think, and talk, and toast,

But amidst this mirth and fun,
is the Birthday of our Lord,
Sing his praises, everyone
with voice in one accord,
Hark the Herald Angels sing,
Glory to the New Born King,
Peace on earth, good will to men,
Pray for it now, and forever, Amen.


Four dogs sitting in front of a white Christmas tree


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  1. StephsTwoGirls

    Lovely. I’m always in awe of people who can write poetry. Great message in it too. Hope the festive season has been good for you. Lovely to find you via Hayley’s linky.

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