To follow up on my post about the new nightly builds of World Wind Java I have put together a video clip, also I didn’t mention it in the last post but the builds are version 0.6 of the SDK. I’ll put a short description of how I made the video at the bottom of this post, but be aware I used so FRAPS, so there are some dropped frames which makes the app’s look less smooth than they actually are.
The first part of the video uses the basic build of the SDK, it shows placenames, a compass, scalebar and a clickable world map. To begin we zoom in to Washington, it starts off as satellite imagery, Blue Marble NG, then as we get closer i-cubed and finally high resolution aerial imagery from the USGS, we pan around a bit then click on the World map to automatically zoom to Europe, by using the world map again we take a tour of the globe, first to South Africa, then China, Australia and finally back to the U.S. Then zooming out to see the whole globe, the world map, compass, scalebar and finally placenames are turned off, and we zoom away into space.
The second part shows off the new multimedia annotations in the SDK, first we see the globe with two annotations, one has information about Mount Saint Helens, clicking view slides brings up a Java viewer box showing an image of Mount Saint Helens before it’s last major eruption, we then zoom in and pan around to see what it looks like now, by looking at fhe slide we can easily see the difference.
The third part of the clip shows easy building of ‘Airspaces’ another new feature, zooming in to San Francisco we see an interesting area, adding a polygon brings up a yellow translucent cube, clicking the blue spheres allows us to easily stretch and warp the polygon to the desired shape, we then tilt the view to show the shaded shape in 3D, zooming in a bit and dragging one corner of the shape shows it conforming to the terrain below. After some more tilting, spinning, and adjusting our shape we zoom out to find another interesting area, this time its a small island, we then add a sphere, drag it to the center of the island, and using the blue control point resize it to cover the island, we then tilt and rotate a bit for a better view, finally we zoom out and stretch the shape to cover most of the bay.
The final part of the video shows some more ‘Airspaces’ using the Airspace viewer, we first zoom to a red cylinder covering half of Africa, moving the mouse over the shape changes it’s colour and brings up an annotation telling us the size of the cylinder, next we zoom to some more demo Airspaces, each has an annotation with a description, first ‘orbits’, then a polyarc, two partial cylinders, terrain conformant cylinder, sphere and a 3 layer cake. We zoom in to have a closer look at the cake, then move to view a curtain around Snohomish country and another around San Juan country, we zoom out next to view some larger shapes, a track, an orbit from N.Y. to L.A., a rhumb curtain from America to Japan and lastly a great arc from America to Japan.
There are many more new features discuseed by Patrick Murris on his blog, I will make videos of these when I get access to some more compiled demo apps.
As promised here are the details on how I created this clip, first off I used FRAPS to create some screen captures, this took longer than expected, manually getting smooth zooms is not easy, I really missed .NET’s movie scripting here. Next each clip was loaded into VirtualDub, I chose the best, cut out pauses and saved the main clips as raw avi files, at this point I noticed that not all the clips were the same resolution, so I loaded them back into VirtualDub, used the resize filter with lanzcos 3 and saved them again. After this I created a couple of png’s in paint shop pro, one with the video title, the other the final credits, I then loaded these individually into VirtualDub and repeatedly copied and pasted until they were 50 frames long, at this point you need to check the framerate matches your video clip, it defaults to 30fps, after changing to 25fps I saved both clips.
Then each clip was loaded in VirtualDub again, the first clip you just load for the rest keep using ‘append avi segment’, at this point I used a new filter ‘NatanNever’s Exotic Fade filter‘, it produces fade effects at joins, you provide the frame number of the joins, length and type of fade and it does the rest. Wav audio was then added, I combined two public domain audio tracks using Audacity, you must make sure your audio track is at least as long as your video track or VirtualDub will just cut the end of the video off at the point the audio ends. I selected full compression for both video and audio, for video I used two pass Xvid at 4200kbps, true MPEG 4 would be better but I don’t know of a free MPEG 4 codec which works with VirtualDub, for audio I used LAME MP3 encoding, then I clicked save and waited 10 minutes or so for both passes to complete.
A full resolution version version of the video can be downloaded from, as always feel free to redistribute this, all the contents are public domain so there are no licensing issues, but please give me credit this video took quite a while to put together, I ended up getting to bed at 9:30 AM!
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