Blog Posts » World Wind 1.4 Beta RC2 released

World Wind 1.4 Beta RC2 released

Here is the release we have all been waiting for, thanks to Joel for fixing up the installer, so go test this baby, download it from WorldWind Central.

NASA World Wind 1.4Release Notes


* Windows 2000, or XP
* 3D graphics card (
* Internet connection
* DirectX 9.0c and Managed DirectX 9.0c (December 2006)
* .NET Framework 2.0 runtime libraries

Minimum configuration

With the minimum configuration, performance and functionality may be less than expected.

* 700 MHz or higher CPU
* 128 MB RAM
* 1.5 GB disk space

Recommended configuration

* 1.4 GHz or higher CPU
* 256 MB of RAM
* DSL/cable connection or faster
* 3 GB of disk space

NEW Feature/Fixes IN 1.4

* Plugin: Movie Recorder (added avi xport)
* Plugin: Place Finder Loader (Supports more geocoders)
* Plugin: Satellite Tracker
* Plugin: Virtal Earth, downloads Microsoft local live data (must be loaded from the plugins menu, then activated by clicking the toolbar icon)
* Plugin: Improved WMS browser with GetCapabilities support
* Data: New NRL data
* Data: WFS placenames and boundaries
* Core: New accurate sunshading
* Core: Support for 3D models
* Core: Atmosphere (Improved with atmospheric scattering)
* Core: Added widget support
* Widget: New scalebar
* Widget: Time controller
* Widget: 3D compass widget
* Installer: Removed background
* Installer: Mars, Moon, SDSS icons removed
* Installer: .Net 2.0 check
* Installer: Added command line tags NODOTNET, /NODX, /NOMDX) to skip detection of .NET, DirectX 9.0c, and Managed DirectX, to skip checks respectively.


* If you received some installer messages in English or all messages in English even though you picked another language please see and click edit.

Getting help

For answers to frequently asked questions, visit:

The World Wind Forums ( are an excellent source of news, information, and peer support. You can find an extensive knowledge base at the World Wind Wiki:

To chat with other users, visit the World Wind chat room at or #worldwind on

File a bug report or a feature request by logging into the World Wind issue tracker. See for details.


Some add-ons are included with this patch of World Wind. There are other great add-ons available at these pages: and

NASA-created add-ons

Lewis and Clark
Created by Chris Maxwell

Astrobiology Field Guide
Created by Randy Kim

Landmark Catalog
Created by ShockFire, Camille Boykins, Ratna Rao, Fred Liao and David Goldfarb

Flags of the World
Created by Randy Kim



World Wind is licensed under the NASA Open Source Agreement. You may use, reproduce, distribute, modify, and redistribute World Wind subject to the terms of the Agreement. For details, see the “license.txt” file that came with your copy of the software or visit


Copyright © 2004-2005 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © 2004-2005 Contributors. All Rights Reserved.

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